Bull Power Potency Booster Nutritional Supplement with BULL TESTICLES POWDER
What do sexuality and nutrition have to do with each other?
Unbalanced nutrition with denatured preparation like fast food weakens the strength of the body and makes it very difficult to live in a strong and stable partnership. In this age and hectic time, it is often not possible to maintain high quality balanced nutrition.
Bull's Testicle Poweder
From Bull's testicles, contains concentrated proteins.
For centuraries, people from northern Europe have been wondering where the hot-blooded passion of the Spanish come from? The secret of the Spanish fire is "cojones fritos" (Fried Bull's Testicles) this is a speciality in Spain.
Cola Seeds
Cola seeds set free caffeine and has a stimulating effect on the nervous system and increases blood pressure and fitness.
Lecithin contains phospholipids, which support the nerves capacity and the power. It contains precursors of substances that play an important role in the conduction system.